Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Christmas Cookies Yet!

First, I want to say thank you to my blog followers!  I'm getting feedback from several folks that aren't official "followers" that are closely monitoring my blog for updated entries - and it's fun and exciting to me, and I just want to say thank you! 

Welp.  Christmas is right around the corner, and with its arrival comes Christmas cookies.  I've definitely got some special recipes for the occasion, but I'm just not ready to focus on that yet.  Seems like it was January 2010 just yesterday.  Right?  And don't get me started.  Doesn't it seem like it was just a few days ago that all the hoopla was going on about Y2K?  Time goes by way, way too fast. 

So I'm going to do what I can to slow it down a little.  I'll at least give it that good ol' college effort.  So, no Christmas cookies yet!  Only cakes!!! 

This cake is one that is super easy.  It all starts with a cake mix.  I typically do my cakes from scratch, but I suppose the occasional mix recipe is ok, too.  Look at me being a snob.  This is a double layer (two 8" round pans needed) chocolate cake that has canned cherry pie filling mixed in.  Just be sure to pour the cherry pie filling slow so you can watch for stems.  I found a cherry that still had a stem on it once when I made this cake, so I'm always keeping an eye out when I use cherry pie filling. 

Anyway, it's pretty and oh-so-delicious, and really seems to me like a cake you'd make for your sweetheart for a special occasion.  (Special note to my Dad:  I think you should make this one for Mom and really, really surprise her!!  You can do it!)  Unless you are allergic or just don't like them, don't skip the nuts on top.  It's a nice garnish, but to me, it really adds a nice texture to the cake.  Here's the recipe link Cherry Chocolate Cake and here is a picture.  

The link also provides you with the recipe for the buttercream chocolate frosting that I used.  It's very scrumptious, but don't take my word for it!  If you're unsure about your baking skills, this is a great beginner's recipe.  Now, I am quite certain that I didn't come up with this recipe fully on my own, but I also have absolutely no recollection or notes on my recipe card as to where I got the original recipe, so please forgive me for that oversight. 

Just as a funny little side story, every year, I beg and plead and beg some more to open just one present early, before Christmas.  Every year.  Since the beginning of my life, I'm pretty sure. The point being that I still do it.  This year, I bought Tommy a popcorn machine.  It's little and cute and makes good popcorn, and I gave it to him early (a couple of months ago maybe) because I knew it was something he would use immediately being a big popcorn fan.  And, of course, I'd enjoy it, too. 

So he has been buying me gifts here and there, squirreling them away waiting for Christmas to come.  One of the gifts he was very, very excited about, and he told me that even though I might have uncertain feelings about it when I initially open it, once I thought about it, I would realize what a cool present it actually is.  In my mind, I'm thinking, "Uh-oh." 

Out of total excitement, he decides that since I gave him the popcorn machine early, he would give me this gift early.  You just have to understand how excited he was about this.  Are you ready?  It was... 

A wireless charging pad.

Yes.  You know, those things that you can just lay your phones and cameras on and they charge without having to be plugged in?  One of those.  And then he was so completely not pleased with my less than enthusiastic reaction. 

And based on that, I'm pretty sure my chances for opening a really fun present earlier than Christmas are gone with the wind.  *poof*

I hope you enjoy the recipe!

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