Kirby Minter Day


I took the basketballs as planned to the YMCA.  It was AWESOME!  I had a trunk full of them and they were well received.  The team there was so excited and grateful for them.

I continue to follow my "savings" plan for donating enough to sponsor a team for the Winter 2014 league, so if you're interested, please let me know!  Between my own "donations" and family donations, I currently have $155 as a start to the sponsorship! 

Thanks, again, for those that helped out with this effort and those that might help in the future!


Original Post:  January 5, 2013
I'll try to update this particular page as often as possible with anything new going on for Kirby Minter Day.

First, here is how you can get to the page in my blog that goes into detail on Kirby Minter Day and the efforts being made to commemorate PaPa.

On my blog screen, no matter which tab you are on (including this one)is a donate button (upper left hand side of the screen) where you can, if you want, use PayPal to donate to the continuous efforts being made. The plan as of this very moment (Jan 5, 2013):

1) Purchase basketballs for the first honorary donation to the Clark County YMCA here in Vancouver, WA. The basketballs I have found run about $15 each. They are Spalding NBA official size (29.5") indoor/outdoor balls. I anticipate purchasing and delivering them this week. The first games kick off either Thursday or Friday evening, so that's when I'll possibly be doing a little speech about PaPa and why the donations are being made and by who.

2) Sponsor a full team.  I will continue to set aside a specific amount of money each month throughout the year so that for the Winter 2014 basketball league, an entire team. The total estimated cost will be between $850 and $1000. The cost per kiddo is between $85-$100 each (I don't have exact numbers yet - but will soon) and there are between 7 and 10 kids on each team. If a full team is out of the range of budget, I'll sponsor as many kids as I can with the funds available. 

Any funds that I receive after I've purchased and donated the basketballs (step #1 up there) will go into a special account that I'll be adding to to sponsor a team.

Alright, now you know the plan. I'll keep this as updated as possible!!

Thanks for your support!!


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