Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Is In The Air

It's late.  I'm sitting here watching the Game Show Network with Tommy, and the $25,000 Pyramid is on.  Oh, yeah, we're old school like that.  Bender is playing in the living room with a tennis ball that he found somewhere now that I'm done baking.  When he sees me put my apron on or hears the oven click on, he immediately wants outside or he goes to the back bedroom and hides out.  Poor silly pup. 

The other day, when I wasn't paying close enough attention, he was being very, very quiet.  When I finally noticed what was going on, there was quite a mess.  He was shredding "his" flip flop.  I don't know, but I think he looks pretty happy with his work.

Then, later that evening, I was looking for the cats.  I found Shasta, but looked everywhere for Pepper.  He likes to play "Where's Waldo" apparently.

We haven't gotten our tree yet - so our presents were just stacked up off in the corner.  The stack toppled over, but Pepper was digging it. 

So, I'm up late tonight because at about 7:30 this evening, Tommy asks me about making cookies for him to take to work tomorrow.  It's just not in my nature to say no to a baking opportunity!!  So I made the Chai Tea Cookies with Eggnog Frosting again (I told you they're my favorite right now!).  I also made a new recipe, Oatmeal Gingersnaps and they are gooooood!  The original recipe came from the Taste of Home website. 

I've never made gingersnaps from scratch before, but I have always liked store-bought ones, and I especially like them when they have a slight bite to them.  Yum!!! 

The actual recipe is pretty simple, quick and easy.  I really like these a lot, and will have to be sure to keep molasses on hand just so I can make these on a whim.  That's the kind of cookies these are - the kind you make when you just want to bake something to have in the cookie jar.  So, once you get the dough mixed, you roll it into balls and roll the balls into some sugar. 

 Place them on a cookie sheet and flatten them with the bottom of a glass dipped in sugar.
 They bake quick - I think I baked each cookie sheet for about 8 minutes.  In the end, you have a really nice pile o' spicy cookies.  Where's the milk?? 

Again, the recipe can be found by clicking here. 

I'm going to head to bed now.  Since I've started writing, Tommy has given up on the game shows, turned the TV off and has gone to bed, and Bender has abandoned his tennis ball, and last I saw, he was trotting down the hall with "his" flip flop heading to the bedroom.  So I think I'll cut this short tonight and follow suite and head that way myself. 

Goodnight, and enjoy!!


Amy P. said...

Sounds like a great night! Those cookies looked wonderful. I love love ginger snaps !

Unknown said...

Thanks, Amy! If someone ever ever ever sent me their address, I'd happily send you some!! :) (Now watch, you already sent it and I overlooked it!)

aunt diana said...

goodnight,i love the way u put ur thoughts into words and i love u

Leann said...

You have my address!!!;-)
I keep asking myself, couldn't this baking fascination of yours have started earlier while we were in college?!!! I so would have been a great taste tester!

Unknown said...

Haha! Leann! When we were in college, we were eating cabbage soup! Well, ok...maybe only briefly.

Thank you, Auntie Di! :)