July is gonna be busy. It started off that way, and will end that way. One thing I will absolutely not be doing this month, however, is visiting Oklahoma. It is way, way, way, way, way, way too hot for me in the summer. I am pretty sure that anything over 90 degrees will cause me to melt, and since they're in the triple digit heat range, I fear spontaneous combustion. I'm thinking more along the lines of October for that trip!
In the meantime, I (think I) have recovered completely now from The Mob's visit. I did have visitors again this weekend, some family that was headed out to the airport this morning for a trip to Disney Land in Cali. They were up for just relaxing and doing a big ol' bunch of nothing last night, so we watched a marathon of America's Next Top Model. I'm slightly embarrassed about that, but I suppose it is time for me to just admit to the world that I really do enjoy that show! I even skipped a season not long ago thinking I didn't really need to watch such a silly show anyway, and eventually, I went crawling back.
Anyhow, for the first time in a very long time, my alarm clock, my phone alarm, and my coffee pot were all set to do their things at 3:30 a.m. Anyone that knows me is fully aware that I am in the prime of my much needed beauty (and probably more importantly mood stabilizing) stage of sleep at that fine hour. I guess I should note the obvious: I did survive, despite myself and was able to safely drive the family to the airport and get myself back home. Oh, yeah, and back to bed...
I spent the better part of my day running between a couple of different pharmacies, taking Bender to get his vaccinations updated (yuck) and doing laundry. This evening, the plan has been and is panning out to be all about just chillin'. Showered, watched some non-brilliant television, painted my fingernails and then went for broke and painted my toenails, too. (Different colors, even!) In case you haven't guessed, that song, "Life in the Fast Lane" was written about me. And to continue on with my daring activities of the day, for dinner, I had the "oh-so-easy-and-unhealthy-but-delicious- Frito Pie." And a diet ginger ale.
One might would think that my fast-lane life would keep the animals in a state of high energy, but you could guess again.
Oops. this was obviously taken pre-toenail painting.
I haven't had time for baking much, but did make a Raspberry-Blackberry Crisp on the 4th of July that was pretty delicious. I'm going to experiment with it just a little more before I post the recipe here, but it'll be coming along shortly!
Stay cool and take care!
Wow Trace....you even make your Frito pie look like it comes from a magazine!! I am now craving one!
I have to confess that I think I got lucky with that picture. It did turn out good, though, didn't it? :)
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