Friday, March 8, 2013

Banana Nut Bread Blondies with Brown Butter Vanilla Frosting

Howdy!  I would say I've been busy, but really, all I've been is sick.  I've called my doctor twice in the past week and a half and have learned that this seemingly never-ending virus is typical of what's going around right now.  Anyway, I am well on the mend now and expect to feel even more improved in the next couple of days.  

I have recently tried a new recipe.  I originally got it by doing a search on the internet, trying to come up with something different to do with my over-ripened bananas.  I found a recipe called "Banana Bread Brownies with Brown Butter Frosting" at this site.  I used their recipe, but called mine "Banana Nut Bread Blondies with Brown Butter Vanilla Frosting" because I didn't want anyone to anticipate there was chocolate involved and then be disappointed to find there is not.  It's all about setting expectations!

Anyway, here's a pic of the final item.  

These are sweet, moist and just downright, sinfully delicious.  I took them to Bender's school and they got high marks from his teachers.  I have decided the vanilla in the frosting really, really compliments the banana flavor very nicely.  

You can view the recipe and some of the other photos by clicking here.  

I also, for the first time ever, made bacon in the oven.  If you've never made bacon in the oven, I have to tell you how incredibly easy it is to make it this way and then clean up afterwards.  Incredibly easy.  Proof:

If you're interested in giving this a try, line a large pan with aluminum foil.  I did one layer length-wise and then a couple of sheets going the other direction.  Lay your bacon out on the foil.  Put into a COLD oven and then turn the oven to 400 degrees.  Set your timer for about 17 minutes.  It'll take about 17-22 minutes for the magic to happen.  There was no splatter.  I'm still in awe.  Too bad I'm going to try to become a vegetarian soon.  

Otherwise, all is quiet on the home front.  Little Dog, Bad Kitties and me... just doing what we do.  Just for fun, because I don't have anything else to talk about, here's some more silly pictures.  

First, here's Bender listening very intently while I talk to him before light's out.  He and I have some very therapeutic conversations sometimes.  He's a great listener.  

Oh, the joys of having a new bone.  When he gets a new bone, he takes it in his mouth and trots throughout the house - down the hall, through the living room, then the kitchen, then the hall again.  I can't tell if he's happy about having a new bone, or if it stresses him out because he fears the kitties are going to take it if he doesn't find a good hiding spot for it.  Maybe a little of both...

Bender and I went for a walk around a little strip mall the other day and there was this statue outside of one of the sporting goods stores.  Bender wanted NO PART of this one.  The brakes went out, a couple of low "woofs" were expressed, and stopping for me to even take this picture was nearly a deal-breaker.  There was another one of a deer, but he didn't mind that one.  Whatever, Pup.

And this one makes me laugh.  Bender looks like he's been caught doing a dirty deed.  I gave him an empty cottage cheese container to "clean and he takes it in the other room so that he doesn't have to worry about me taking the container away from him.  When he sees me coming, he immediately picks the container up and prepares to dash.  I don't know why this strikes me so funny, but it does.

Alrighty, then.  I think that's it for me for now.  It's way past my "recovering from the worst cold ever" bedtime.  And besides that, I need to be well-rested for my scheduled 1-hour relaxation massage tomorrow.  Oh yeah.  You heard me right.  And it's ok to be completely jealous.  :)

"We make a living by what we get... we make a life by what we give."
~Winston Churchill

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Brownie Cheesecake Bites and... Wow, I've been busy!

It's been hectic here lately; there's just no other way to say it!  I spent a fair amount of my weekend getting caught up on chores and tasks that have been long neglected (much like my poor little blog!!).  Getting the oil changed in the car, giving the dog a bath (poor Bender!), buying dog food (poor Bender!), going to the bank...  You know - just stuff. 

Today I had a little more time, so I did a little bit of my favorite thing... baking!  I made the good ol' stand-by recipe (thank you, still, Kim!!) of Sopapilla Cheesecake as well as a new recipe of Brownie Cheesecake Bites.  All of it is going to Bender's teachers (we-heart-them!) and my co-workers. 

The Brownie Cheesecake Bites started with me doing a search for something new to try using cream cheese.  Decisions, decisions.  I've made brownies swirled with cream cheese, but when I saw these, I felt compelled into action.

The original recipe is from the Eagle Brand Milk site, but it uses a brownie mix and a completely different cream cheese mixture, so what I've done is actually very different.  But my inspiration came from them, nonetheless. 

Without further ado, here is a picture of the delectables:

Wow...  that picture came out really big. 

Anyway, they are rich and delicious and hit the mark for anyone craving chocolate and cheesecake both! 

Additionally, I must mention that on the Just a Pinch site that I love, I won another blue ribbon!  Whoot!  It's for another brownie recipe.  It's REALLY good.  They're called Peanut Butter Crunch Brownies and they have a great combination of chocolate, peanut butter and crispy crunchiness. 

Here's a picture of that one.  Really, these are quite good, and if I'm honest, they're probably better than the ones I made today.  I mean, who doesn't just love chocolate and peanut butter???? 

I don't have a better picture readily available, but you'll have to trust me on this one... t.a.s.t.y. 

As for other recent events, I attended my first ever opera last weekend.  I went and saw Tosca, which was performed in Italian with "subtitles" that were shown in a screen above the stage.  It was great and I would definitely go to another opera based on this experience. 

As for the little dog, he's been his usual level of naughty.  He was less than thrilled with the whole bath thing yesterday.  I took him to a place called Muddy Paws, which is a do-it-yourself dog wash.  The have tubs that can be raised so you don't kill your back bending over (same with the drying tables) and they provide everything you need - shampoo, towels, brushes, etc.  I learned a VERY handy trick for keeping Bender from shaking water off during his bath.  Allow me to share for anyone who has to bathe a dog and knows what it feels like to get drenched when they do the shake.  It's simple.  When you feel them start to shake their head, immediately put your hand firmly on the back of their neck and hold it.  It seems that if they can't shake their head and neck, the rest of the body doesn't follow.  You have to catch it early enough though, or it won't work! 

Anyway, despite it all, Bender is never above striking a few cute poses. 

Here is a dog ready for me to turn the lights out at bedtime.

Here is a dog bored with working from home.  So bored that he doesn't move even when I get up and move around.

Here is a dog that would completely freak out if he turned around and realized that the cat was all but laying on top of him.  He is scared of Pepper.  Pepper is the boss of the house and Bender is fully aware of the potential peril that comes with crossing this bossy cat. 

And, lastly, here is Pepper, listening to the classical music I had playing from my iPad while getting ready for work.  He was diggin' it. 

Shasta is a little more shy, so no new pics of her this time.

Now you know what I know!! 

Take care out there!

"We make a living by what we get... we make a life by what we give."
...Winston Churchill

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy Kirby Minter Day!!!! Whoot Whoot!

Today is a special day, no doubt.  It's Kirby Minter Day, and I'm excited about it.  So excited that I'm celebrating in a special way.

Most of you reading this know who Kirby Minter is; for those of you who don't, he's my Grandpa.  AKA PaPa.  AKA Big PaPa.  My other PaPa, Robert Coleman, was AKA Little PaPa.  While Little PaPa wasn't teeny tiny or anything, Big PaPa was true to his differentiating name, standing 6'6" with a big ol' personality to match.

Both of my PaPa's have passed away, but that doesn't mean that I don't think about them, aren't reminded of them, and am not proud of each of their own special accomplishments. 

Today, I'll be talking about Big PaPa mostly, because it is January 4th, and it's Kirby Minter Day. 

So, to all of you out there,
Happy Kirby Minter Day!

To help me out, I'm going to provide a few links from the world wide web that will provide some information on him.  Here ya go:

USA Basketball's Second World Championship - 1954
The Durant Daily Democrat - PaPa's Obituary

As you can see (if you looked at the links), PaPa had quite the career in his early years playing some mad hoops. When he was inducted into the Durant High's Athletic Hall of Fame, they provided a wonderful reception and presentation.  I received a CD that included a copy of the presentation and I borrowed a few pictures from that.  Other pictures I've stolen (honorably) from family members so that I can share a few with you here:

And here's one of me, PaPa and MaMa at the induction in Durant.  This happened in 2008 - my hair is no longer blond, thank goodness!!

Despite Papa's amazing achievements being a basketball player, I think his greatest achievements included being a husband, father, grandfather and friend.  Was he perfect?  No.  Was he a saint?  No.  (That one even gave me a little giggle!)  But he was kind and would do almost anything to help anyone who needed it. 

Anyway, I decided this year that I should do something to honor PaPa.  My only regret is not doing it sooner, while he was still alive.  But there's nothing I can do about that now.  So today I met with a nice guy at the local YMCA and we talked about ways that I could maybe provide some equipment (i.e. basketballs) or even sponsor basketball league scholarships or scholarships for basketball camp.  He gave me several options and a lot to consider.  Granted, the actual act won't be occurring on Kirby Minter Day...this year.  But I'm trying to figure out something I can do that is sustainable for years to come. 

Currently, my plan is to donate basketballs because of the timing of things.  They already have their leagues set up for the winter games, so a scholarship wouldn't be as helpful (although it could be for the summer games), and it would take some time to get situated. 

So, basketballs it is, for Year 1.  And, after sharing some information about PaPa and talking about doing this with the YMCA guy, he also said that the league games start next week and he would like to invite me to attend the first game and talk about my donation and about my PaPa.  To the audience.  Outloud.  OMG.  Is it too late to start Toastmasters?  But how cool is that?? 

So there will definitely be more to add to this story; stay tuned! 

(If you're interested in contributing to my effort, let me know or click on the donate button below to make a contribution through PayPal.  100% of what is donated will be used for the equipment and scholarships at the YMCA as outlined above. No pressure to anyone, though.  I'm doing this regardless.) 


"We make a living by what we get...
We make a life by what we give."  
~ Winston Churchill